Inmate Records Check
Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot
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Perform a free Collier County, Florida inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshots, who’s in jail?, inmate lists and active booking logs.
Collier County Jail Information
There are two jails in Collier County. One is located in Naples, while the other is located in Immokalee, Florida. Their physical locations are:
Naples Jail Center
3347 Tamiami Trail E.
Naples, FL 34112-4434
Phone: 239.252.9504
Immokalee Jail Center
302 Stockade Road
Immokalee, Florida 34142
Phone: 239.657.2878
The Collier County Sheriff’s Office has an online database of all its arrests and active warrants. The database can be searched based on an individual’s last name, first name, date of birth, booking date, and booking number. The search results show the individual’s photo complete name, date of birth, race, sex, and whether he/she is already in custody. Additional information is provided when the photo is clicked. This includes the individual’s physical description, active warrant information (if any), and arrest information (e.g. age, charges, case number, court date).
Crimes Against Persons Arrests in Collier County
Collier County 2020 – 972
Rate per 100,000 – 251
Crimes Against Society Arrests in Collier County
Collier County 2020 – 1782
Rate per 100,000 – 460
Crimes Against Property Arrests in Collier County
Collier County 2020 – 984
Rate per 100,000 – 254
Total Reported Violent Crimes in Collier County 2020
Violent Crime Rate Per 100,000 – 226.1